Moonlight By-Laws

This page outlines the principles, policies, and structure that keep our community running smoothly. From our commitment to inclusivity to the roles of our leadership, our by-laws page explains the foundation of our co-op.

Article 1 – Moonlight Homeschooling Co-op of the Tricities

Section 1 – The name of this organization shall be Moonlight Homeschooling Co-op of the Tricities (referred to in the remainder of this document as MHCT or Moonlight).

Section 2 – MHCT is organized exclusively for educational and homeschooling support services.Fees and donations both of monetary value and  in kind  made to MHCT will only be used to pay for and fund programing necessary to the exclusivity of this purpose with Moonlight remaining a tax exempt entity as defined by IRS tax code under section 501(c)(3) or any corresponding future tax code. Instructions on the dissolution of Moonlight and any finances or property are outlined in Article 8 subsection 1.   The mission of MHCT is to love, support, educate, and engage with the local community of homeschool families.

Section 3 – The principle office location of MHCT shall be located in Sullivan County in the State of Tennessee. The organization may have any number of offices at such places as the Executive Board may determine.

Article 2 – Commitment to Inclusivity

I. Inclusivity:

Inclusivity is defined by this organization as the inclusion of all peoples regardless of race, ability, religion or lack of, sexual orientation, and gender identity, whether it is chosen or biological. Furthermore, our inclusion is not limited to this list, as it is our hope to love and support all who come here.

II. Politics:

We at Moonlight collectively have no political affiliation. No political party shall find support nor funding for any political cause or campaign from MHCT, as such a commitment to a political party would cause divisiveness and exclusivity.

III. Religion:

No religion will be espoused here over another. MHCT views all religions as worthwhile to those who serve within those religions, ergo all religion is beneficial to society as a whole. We also respect and acknowledge that many of us do not subscribe to any religion and we find that to be equally beneficial to society. To embrace one over the other is to cause divisiveness and exclusivity, which is against this very article.

Article 3 – Membership

The qualifications for membership in this organization are:

  • Members must be legally homeschooled in the state of Tennessee, Virginia, or North Carolina.
  • Members MUST be able to fulfill the parent/guardian responsibilities.
  • Members must agree that while they are at MHCT events, including on the MHCT website, email list, or Facebook page, they will not make statements or engage in conduct opposing the Commitment to Inclusivity or the Mission Statement.

Article 4 – Meetings

Section 1 – The date of the regular annual meeting shall be determined by the Director/Executive Board Member who will also set the time and place.

Section 2 – Regular meetings of the Executive Board may be held at such place and time as shall be designated by the standing resolution of the Board.

Article 5 – Executive Board

Section 1 – The business of the organization shall be managed by an Executive Board comprised of at least three and no more than seven members. The Board is responsible for maintaining the overall policy and direction of the organization. The Board shall delegate responsibility for day-to-day operations to the Director and appropriate Committees and Committee Heads. Board members shall receive no compensation (other than reasonable reimbursement expenses) for their service on the Board.

Section 2 – The Board shall meet at least once per semester at an agreed-upon time and location.

Section 3 – All Board Members shall serve for a one-year term and are eligible for re-election.

Section 4 – Any Board Member may be removed from office with cause by the vote of the Board at any meeting of the Board.

Section 5 – Any Executive Board Member may resign at any time by giving reasonable notice to the organization. Lack of reasonable notice will prevent the board member/leader from participating in MHCT events and disqualify them from leadership for two years.

Section 6 – In the event of a vacancy on the Board (including situations where the number of Board Members has been deemed necessary to increase), the Executive Board shall fill the vacancy based on recommendations from the Committee Heads.

Section 7 – A quorum must be attended by at least 60 percent of the Board Members before business can be transacted or motions made or passed.

Section 8 – The officers of the organization shall be the Director, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Board may also appoint other officers as it deems necessary. Other Members will be considered Board Members at Large.

Section 9 – Executive Board Chair

The Executive Board Chair shall convene regularly scheduled Board meetings and shall preside or arrange for other board members to preside at each meeting in the following order, Secretary, Treasurer, and board member at large. This person shall also make sure that all legal obligations such as insurance and corporate records are maintained. The Director is responsible for the overall operations of the co-op and overseeing the basic needs of the operation and supervision of the other leaders. The Director will also be the primary holder of any social media or online presence and will delegate access as they see fit.

Section 10 – Treasurer

The Treasurer shall make a report at each Board meeting. The Treasurer shall assist in the preparation of the budget, help develop fundraising plans, and make financial information available to Board Members and the public. This person shall also maintain the banking information and will need to nominate one other person at all times to be on the bank account. The Treasurer will, in conjunction with the person nominated, be responsible for all funds belonging to MHCT.

Section 11 – Secretary

The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping records of Board actions, including overseeing the taking of minutes at all Board Meetings, sending out meeting announcements, distributing copies of minutes and the agenda to each Board Member, and assuring that corporate records are maintained. The Secretary also sets up and maintains the database and websites in conjunction with the Director.

Section 12– On June 8th, 2024 the board decided with a unanimous vote to pursue 501(c)(3) status based on the offering of educational and homeschooling supports made public and available to the community, through not only our paid membership but also the programming, support, free organized field trips, homeschooling parent education, and educational clubs offered through our wider Moonlight community page which is free to the public.

Article 6 – Day-to-Day Operation

In order for minor decisions to be made quickly and without burden to the Board, the distribution of influence is structured with the most burden and responsibility falling to the Director, Secretary, and Treasurer having the other Team Leaders/Board Members beneath them. Any choice made by the director that other Team Leaders disagree with can be reversed with a majority vote excluding the director’s vote.

Article 7 – Committee Heads

Section 1 – The Executive Board shall approve Committee Heads.

Section 2 – Any Committee Head may be removed from office without assigning any cause by the vote of the Board. 

Section 3 – Committee Heads will not be compensated via salary for their service as an Officer of the Board.

Section 4 – The Executive Board may create Committee Heads as needed, such as for fundraising, public relations, and program committees.

Section 5 – No Committee Head shall adopt, amend, or repeal the by-laws, amend or repeal any resolution of the Board, or act on matters committed by the by-laws or resolution of the Board to another committee of the Board.

Article 8 – IRC 501(c)3 Tax Exemption Provisions

Section 1 – Upon the dissolution of MHCT, assets shall be distributed to the host church. If the host church is also undergoing/ has gone through dissolution concurrently, then the remaining assets of MHCT will be donated to the local school system.

Section 2 – MHCT is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and/or scientific purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. No part of the net earnings of MHCT net earnings shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof.

Section 3 – No substantial part of the activities of MHCT shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.

Section 4 – Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Article 9 – Amendments

Section 1 – These by-laws may be amended when deemed necessary by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board. Article 2 and Article 7, Section 1 are irrevocable and not subject to amendment.

10/28/2024: These articles were amended to show limits placed upon Moonlight’s activities and voted into place by V. Coker, C. Latham, S. Smith, K. Evertson, and B. Wilkerson.

4/30/2023: These by-laws were unanimously voted into effect by board members C.Latham, N. Trammell, S. Smith, K. Schoen, B. Wilkerson, and E. Johnson.