At Moonlight, we maintain a comprehensive set of policies that encompass our Attendance, Discipline, and Code of Conduct, among others. These policies are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that we provide a safe and supportive learning environment for all our students. If you are planning to join us, we kindly request that you familiarize yourself with our policies. While we strive to accommodate everyone’s unique circumstances, our policies are designed to safeguard the well-being of all our students and serve as our guiding principles for doing so.
Code of Conduct
All students will be held responsible for their actions and shall conduct themselves in keeping with their level of maturity, showing regard for established authority and the rights and welfare of others. We ask that students seek excellence, be honest, and be courteous and kind to all. Behaviors rooted in malicious intent are prohibited.
- All students in the building are required to be in their assigned area at the start of each class. There is to be no roaming of the halls, lingering in bathrooms, or roaming the grounds during class periods. Punctuality is expected from all students and families.
- Students are not to use threatening language toward a teacher, board member, adult, or student. If a student has a grievance that he or she would like to talk about, that student is welcome to meet with board members in person and should communicate in a respectful way.
- Cell phones must be set to silent while in class. We would also ask that students do not share their screens with other students, as different families have different definitions of what is objectionable content. Also, sharing phone content can take away from the instructor’s ability to teach. Students are permitted to step out at any time to make a phone call.
- Any defacing or graffiti of property is grounds for immediate dismissal. Parents are responsible for damage done to the property beyond normal wear and tear.
- Any student found in possession of any type of weapon, firearm, tobacco, alcohol, or drugs will be expelled immediately.
- Respectful language must be used at Moonlight and all Moonlight sponsored events. Inappropriate language or behavior should be brought to the attention of one of the Board members or event chaperones immediately.
- Permission is not given to use Moonlight’s name, abbreviation, or logos on any social media platform without written consent from the board of directors.
- Dress is to be appropriate, with all areas that would be covered in a swimming environment covered. Also, graphics/slogans that are sexually inappropriate, hateful or political in nature are banned.
- No running, jumping, or climbing before, during, or after co-op. Walking feet and safe hands will be used at all times.
- Food and drink will be kept to designated spaces.
- Appropriate footwear only; no cleats, wheelies, or heels. Also, wheelie shoes, skateboards, bikes, rollerblades/skates are not allowed on the premises during or after co-op hours.
- No pets other than service animals.
Attendance Policy
We at Moonlight understand that things happen: illnesses, deaths, or unexpected changes in work schedules can affect your ability to attend. While we strive to be generous and fair to all circumstances, this co-op cannot operate with part-time participation. Please let us know at the time of registering if you have circumstances that require exception.
Absences will be unexcused with exceptions made for:
- illness with a doctor’s note
- court appointments
- childbirth
- surgery
- extended illness
- absences submitted at least 2 weeks in advance
Absences must be reported to the #absences channel within Moonlight’s Mattermost app; any absences reported through other methods will be disregarded and counted as an unexcused absence.
We utilize a three strike policy in regards to attendance at Moonlight. If a family accumulates three unexcused absences in a semester, they will no longer be given priority in selecting future classes. The board will discuss repeated absences and discuss how to support the family, however excessive absenteeism is a reason for expulsion; if your family accumulates three strikes, your membership with Moonlight may go before the board for review.
Teachers accumulating three absences, regardless of excuse, will also be subject to board discussion. Excused absences will not incur penalties, but the board may need to assess changes in the teacher’s availability to ensure consistency in class leadership.
Discipline Policy
Anything that goes against our code of conduct falls under this policy. We also reserve the right to respect and follow rules set in individual classrooms. Minor offenses, such as small disruptions to the classroom, are issues that can be solved with minor correction by the present adults:
- First offense: Verbal warning by adults.
- Second offense (same day): Child will be returned to the parent for the remaining time of the period.
- Third offense (same day): Child is returned to the parent for the rest of the day.
Major offenses, such as things that are injurious, offensive, harmful, or disrespectful, will be handled at the board’s discretion. Please note that no refunds will be issued in the unfortunate event of expulsion due to behavioral or attendance issues.
Parent/Caregiver Policy
- Parents/caregivers are required to be on time and report to their assigned area 15 minutes before classes.
- Parents/caregivers are responsible for children at all times.
- There is NO DROP OFF option with Moonlight; a parent/caregiver must always remain present on the grounds.
- There is a mandatory volunteer component to Moonlight; each family must have one adult volunteer each meeting period in assigned capacity.
- Teachers and assisting parents are responsible for cleaning up the area they are assigned to after each class period.
- No political, religious, or controversial speech inside or outside classrooms with the exception of educational purposes. Religious education or mythology is acceptable; no evangelizing or condemnation of other religions during discussions.
Teacher Policy
- Teachers need to have a class outline turned into administration 4 weeks before the semester starts.
- Teachers must submit one substitute plan to the administration 2 weeks before the start of each semester so classes can be covered by a substitute.
- Teachers may not deviate drastically from the submitted plan without first consulting with the board.
- Teachers must give 2 weeks notice for any planned absences.
- For the safety of our students, there must be two adults to a room at all times.
- If a child needs the restroom, please radio for a member of security to escort the child to the restroom.
- No food in the classroom except water.
- No political or religious discussions unless it is relevant to the curriculum and presented in an unbiased format.
- If the need to step out arises, please radio for a replacement.
- At the end of the day and at lunch, all children will be escorted back to the Fellowship Hall.
- Wait for an announcement over the radio before dismissing students at the end of second period. We have security to get into place.
- Please utilize Mattermost for all parent communication; this allows any disputes to be mediated correctly.
Bathroom Policy
We never want any child to feel like they were not allowed to attend to their physical needs. However, due to the limited bathroom space and the need to keep our children safe, we have decided that children younger than 12 that need to use the restroom during class will need to be escorted by a member of staff. This simply means that a teacher will radio out for a member of staff to come and walk the child to the restroom. The staff member will not go into the restroom with them and will be unavailable to help the child with using the bathroom.
If your child is still in need of some potty assistance, please let us know and we will happily take your child to our Pre-K bathroom where we have enough staff to safely help your child while protecting their privacy.
Also, if you have a child in our Early Education Area that is still in diapers, please make sure you bring with them a diaper bag that includes diapers, wipes, and a clean outfit.
Sick Policy
Please stay home if:
- You have had a fever in the past 48 hours and have not been fever-free without fever reducing medicines.
- Any symptoms of a cold that involve cough or runny nose with colored mucus.
- If anyone in the home has been sick.
If you have a chronic condition (such as allergies), please speak to a member of the board and make us aware.
Inclement Weather Policy
As our co-op is hosted within the Johnson City limits, if Johnson City schools close for weather, we will also close. HOWEVER, we understand that there are many rural areas in the surrounding counties. If you cannot make it safely, please do not attempt it.
Arrival & Departure Procedure
All families are asked to arrive at 10:45 AM; this allows us to do a headcount and make any announcements for the day.
- Children will meet in the Fellowship Hall and be dismissed from there into classes. Parents will report to the area they are volunteering.
- The only door available for entry is the main entrance to the Fellowship Hall.
- Parents of Pre-K and Nursery will take them directly to the Early Education Check-In area. Parents will be required to check in and give the teacher a pick up word or number that will need to be repeated to the teacher upon pick up to retrieve the child. At the end of the day, all children will be taken back to the Fellowship Hall for pick up with the exception of Nursery and Pre-K. PARENTS, PLEASE DO NOT RETRIEVE CHILDREN FROM CLASSROOMS.
- Parents of Nursery and Pre-K will dismiss from their area five minutes early to pick up their littles.
- Nursery and Pre-K will need to be picked up and pick up word given to retrieve them.
- Children may not be picked up from class without informing a member of the administration that you are leaving early as it affects the headcount taken at the start of the day. If you are scheduled to only take two class periods, you may have your child meet you in the Fellowship Hall to sign out early.
Food & Lunch Policy
If your family decides to eat with us, we ask that you do not allow your child to share their packed lunch; there are many families with severe allergies and not all children are as aware of their allergies and could take something that would make them ill. Also, we ask that any food brought to share be nut-free.
Food that is being brought to the Early Education Center will always need to be nut-free, whether it is meant for just your child or the group, as littles often share without asking. Only spill-proof cups and bottles are allowed in this area with water and milk only.
- No food in classrooms unless prior approval is received.
- Water is allowed in the K-12 classrooms if it’s in a spill-proof bottle.
- Please keep all food in the Fellowship Hall or surrounding grounds during lunch.
- Please clean up after yourself; trash cans are provided.
Registration Policy
Co-op registration will begin several weeks before class registration opens. We will, to the best of our ability, strive to provide the classes as they are listed; however, in the event an appropriate teacher or program cannot be found, class offerings may differ. If classes deviate drastically, we will offer refunds if the co-op no longer meets your needs. However, no refunds will be provided due to a member’s choice to not participate nor for registration deadlines missed. Please make sure our email admin@moonlight-tricities.com is in your contact list so as not to be filtered out as spam. We will make registration announcements by email as well as on our Facebook page.
Classes will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. Registration will be online at our website; details will always be available on both our website and Facebook page.
Refund Policy
Please note that all registration and class fees are non-refundable.
Registration Fees: These fees are due upon sign-up and are non-refundable. They cover essential costs such as building use and insurance and cannot be returned under any circumstances.
Class Fees: Class fees are also non-refundable once classes are selected. These fees go directly to teachers for materials and curriculum and cannot be reimbursed.
Communication Policy
We would like to streamline communication to our members. As part of that effort, we ask that all members download the app “Mattermost” and join our Moonlight channel. This is the platform that we will be using to send reminders and announcements. This is also the same platform that many of your teachers will use to communicate with you about your student.
This is the only acceptable platform for reporting an unplanned impending absence. Facebook messages, texts, and missed phone calls will be considered a “no-call, no-show” and will be counted as an absence.
Website Policies
Should you wish to view our website policies and terms, our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service are readily accessible to the public. These documents outline the rules and guidelines that govern your use of our website and the protection of your personal information. We highly encourage you to review them thoroughly to ensure a clear understanding of our practices and policies.
Our policies and procedures are made publically available in good faith.
Our by-laws are available upon request.