When is registration?
Our yearly registration opens in April. We will post on Facebook a link to our registration page. Please note that registration will close when all available spots have been filled.
When are Classes?
Classes start in August and run through May, with winter break in December. Classes are every Thursday from 11 AM to 3 PM with a lunch break at noon.
How much does it cost?
Moonlight registration is $50 for the year.
If you decide to teach a class, we’ll refund your payment at the end of the term!
Can I be in the same Classes as my child?
We get that a new experience can be an unsettling experience for kids, big and small. We will do our best to arrange for you to be in the same classes as your child when you volunteer. However, please understand that we can’t promise anything since we need volunteers all around the co-op.
In the event that you and your child are in different classes, please look at it as an opportunity for your child to develop independence and social confidence.
Can I drop off my kids?
Community is crucial for children to thrive, and without volunteers, a community cannot flourish. Therefore, volunteering is a requirement for participation at Moonlight.
Do I have to teach?
Teaching is only one of the many jobs at Moonlight, but teaching is our greatest need. We encourage all willing parents to reach out to the Moonlight Board to discuss teaching. For those who prefer not to teach, co-teaching and helping out with other roles is still required.
Are there activities?
During the school year, we have class participation activities and holiday parties. We also have a few clubs that meet after co-op.
We created the Moonlight Community Playgroup to give families the chance to interact with other homeschoolers in an unstructured environment; we meet at various local parks for play and arrange monthly field trips for our families to enjoy.
We are working on expanding to include a scout group and a forest school in upcoming years.
Help! I need to get on Mattermost and it's not working!

To get on Mattermost, click on the link on our private Facebook group; it’s pinned as one of the “Featured Posts” section. Once you click on it, it’ll bring up the Mattermost sign up page; click on “Open in Browser” if asked.

Once you’ve reached the “Create an Account” page, you’ll sign up using your email address, your desired username, and a password. Your username will be what is shown in your communications with others, so please make sure we can know who you are. You can change your username inside Mattermost’s settings.

Once you’ve entered that information, click on “Create Account” and it will take you to the Mattermost dashboard. If the page asks:
For the Server URL, use: chat.moonlight-tricities.com
Enter “Moonlight Co-op” as the Server Display Name

When you first join, you will only have access to the “Announcements” channel. If you scroll up, you will find pinned messages with links that will take you to the other channels. You will need to join the “Absences” channel to submit any excused absenses, as we will not accept absences reported via any other platform.

These are the pinned channels. You need to join Absences and Announcements, but all other channels are optional. We ask that if you have a high schooler, that they have an account of their own to join those class channels so they can hold themselves accountable for any additional work that the HS level classes require.

Another way to add channels is by clicking “Add Channels”; it’ll bring up a list of all the available channels for you to join. Simply click on the “Join” button that pops up to the right when you hover over each channel
If you have any trouble with this tutorial and need some extra help getting on Mattermost, please contact us and we can help!